Meet Marie Green: Lotus Light Artist

By Rebecca Keogh  •   3 minute read

Meet Marie Green: Lotus Light Artist

Here at Paint Plot, we feel very privileged to be able to build relationships with our amazing artists, who we either commission to create a unique design or we purchase their artwork to reproduce for our community.

August is artist appreciation month, so we’ve been featuring some of our favourite artists.

Today we would like to introduce the creator of ‘Lotus Light’ Marie Green.  We hope you enjoy this lovely insight into her life of painting.

Growing up in Queensland Australia, telling stories about day to day people, experiencing other cultures and loving life is what makes Marie’s story so relatable.

  • Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I was born in Sydney at a time when the world was at peace.  My family had moved from Townsville to Mosman before I was born.  Later we all went back to sunny Queensland mainly for my father's health. I didn't stay long after finishing my studies, and ended up living in or visiting Europe, Britain, USA, Mexico, Japan, several Asian countries, every State and Territory in Australia and beautiful New Zealand. 

I have yet to tip a toe into India but I keep it on my list.

  • We can see that your paintings tell a story. Is this why you paint?

I really didn't know I could paint until about 2006.  I had dabbled but never anything I could be pleased or proud of.  But quite suddenly one morning, about a month after we had moved into our beautiful new home that I had designed, I had an epiphany.  'I would paint and I would become very good'.  I know how immodest that sounds but that is what happened. 

In the '80s I travelled for some time around Europe visiting all the major art galleries and churches that held treasures I wanted to experience.  In those wonderful far away days, I could stand up close to the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, extend a freshly wiped fingertip to the Pietà by Michelangelo in St. Peter’s Basilica.  To view the Sisteine Chapel, I lay down on the floor and no guard came to give me an Italian ‘shock and horror’ look.

So many of images from that time stayed so clearly in my mind and of course I must mention Rembrandt. He paid no real attention to slavish copying for his images although in some major works he largely had to, or commissions would not be paid.  When he painted to his own will, the impressionistic realism seems to be created by Rembrandt.  And I know that is the greatest starting point for me.

My works all do tell a story and the viewer will not have to guess at the subject matter but may need to work out the full meaning or accept the invitation to wander through the scene at will.

  • Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

 My Mother was and is a great influence.  She drove a car before ladies of her era did such a thing.  She was hugely instrumental in juries having to include women in rape cases. She could swing a piece of satin around any of her daughters with a pin here and a tuck there and by the end of the week a perfectly fitted fully lined gown was completed on her ancient Singer sewing machine. 

She and my father stayed in love all their decades together and she gave us great advice on the matter.

  • Any tips for painting your Lotus Light as a paint by number 
Lotus Light is a favourite of mine.  I wanted to capture her gentle still beauty, so I laid the paint as though it were being painted on silk.  I painted the lightest areas first (contrary to my usual darks first) so there would be an impression of light blooming out from the flower.  Red and Green, being opposites, need close mixing so they don't fight each other.  With this work, when in doubt, add tiny bits of blue to both to get the perfect harmony.
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